New Ideas

August 21, 2011
Every now and then i always seem to get 'dry-patch' - a time span of say anything from 1-3 weeks where i dont get any sign ups or anything like that, it is at this time where i always find working online the hardest because, when i get a new sign up or someone contacting me about something, i have something to work on, I sometimes find just surfing gets abit boaring!
The Only 'good-thing' about a 'dry-patch' for me is i mostly get my 'best-ideas' from this time, because during that time, the only i have to do is surf & update blogs, i have more time to get new ideas & set them up.
One of the ideas i got during this time was WorldWideSurfers a surfing team, because i already had a surfing team at Landmark Traffic & was surfing at other TE's that have surf teams, i thought why not bring my team from Landmark Traffic to the rest of the Team Traffic Exchanges i am a member of.
So thats what i did, I now have my team WorldWideSurfers on four Traffic Exchanges & it seems to be going well. The best thing about haveing a team for me, is the other members, this also gives you a chance to meet new people, which in turn could give you new sign-ups , ideas, ect.
If you like to surf, why not join a team or even make your own team, not only will you never run out of credits with team surfing but you will also have the chances to win team prizes & most of the team traffic exchnages will pay you $1.00 for making a team.
Give it a go or join me & the rest of the team at WorldWideSurfers

Riots in the UK

August 15, 2011
So the last few days here in the UK have been crazy.
As some of you my have seen on the news, the UK (England) has seen the worst riots in forever - my people believe the riots where due to spending cuts & the many money troubles that the whole world are in, but infact the riots where due to a shooting that happen in london. The police killed a man they believed had fired a shot at them, but infact the police got it wrong and killed the wrong man. 
This then started a small riot in the area whe...
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Team Surfing

August 15, 2011
Team surfing is a great way to surf. I have a team WorldWideSurfers on four Traffic Exchanges, 





I find team surfing a great why to get hits to all your site's and also a great way to brand yourself & chat to people. If you have a team of your own, you will need to chat to people to get them to join your team, this is a good way to brand yourself because if you are a good team leader people will join your team, plus in team surfing ...
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Even When its Free!

August 15, 2011
Sometimes, even when it is FREE, you can't even get people to join!
I just thought i would write a short to post, just to say don't worry if you cant even give things away for FREE, some people will just not join something they don't want, even if it is free and would send traffic to their sites.
For some reason people just take a dislike to a website / brand / product and no matter how good you think it is, they will simply not join it. So don't worry if you get days like that (or even a few d...
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July 15, 2011
Did you know that you can use to get your website displayed on the first line of search engine results in less than 60 seconds?  I'm using it right now.  It's absolutely revolutionary.  Check it out and grab a free account here:
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The Power Of Splash!

July 10, 2011

Splash pages are everywhere & can be a really powerful tool for you to use.
Around  a week ago, a member of my Ad site, was talking to me on skype & asked me about making some splash pages for them to use with the viral account they get when placing an Ad on my site.
After talking some more & coming up with some other ideas, i said i would go away & see what i could do.
So a few days late & after getting some feedback from the rest of the members i set to work on making some splash pages, again ...

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My Social Home

July 2, 2011
A Brand New Social Networking Site has just gone live - this is yet another free way of being able to brand yourself & join other likeminded people who are trying to make extra money online.
Since the site is brand new, its always the best time to join because you will be one of the first profiles that people will see & as the site will only be on the up (hopefuly) - the more that join, the more people will see you & your links/blogs/websites, ect.
Take a look, see what you think & join up, its...
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1,000 Hits To Your Site

June 21, 2011
Would you like 1,000 Hits to your site & make money at the same time?
Well I saw an Ad saying just that, so i clicked it. After viewing the site & reading all the infromation, i joined up.
You sign up & pay a one time fee of only $7.00 to get 1,000 hits to your site - then when other people join up under you & pay the one time fee og $7.00 for their 1,000 hits - you make money! You only need 3 people in your downline to start making money - so, do you think you can get 3 people who want 1,000 h...
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Social Sites

June 11, 2011
Hello All,
This is just to tell you about to great business social sites - both sites are a great why to meet people & a great place to put all your business needs & sites in one great place, they are both free to join - but if you upgrade you can make some really good money from both places - $15 for each sign up - then $5 every month for every gold member you have. Take a look - I joined both sites, but have stayed a free member. Just click the links below to take a look :-


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Tweet Traffic Rush

June 4, 2011
You might have noticed that Twitter is the biggest news on
the internet now. With some hundreds of thousands of new
people joining Twitter each day, it is emerging as one of the
largest and fastest growing social networking sites at this time.

As there are millions of people joining up to and logging
into Twitter everyday, Twitter turns out a bigger and better
opportunity to get you loads of targeted traffic to your website.

Though you can access millions of people on Twitter, you will
need to work a...

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Hello World

Have Been working online for around 3 years, but have only been working on the internet the 'right-way' for the last year. I have my own ad site and i am looking into getting a traffic exchange. Helping people is the best way to making money online.


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