So the last few days here in the UK have been crazy.
As some of you my have seen on the news, the UK (England) has seen the worst riots in forever - my people believe the riots where due to spending cuts & the many money troubles that the whole world are in, but infact the riots where due to a shooting that happen in london. The police killed a man they believed had fired a shot at them, but infact the police got it wrong and killed the wrong man. 
This then started a small riot in the area where the man lived, but as with many things, they whole thing got our of control, with many more youths on the street than normal (due to school holidays & many many people on the dole) the riots spread fast & into many areas of london, then many areas of Engalnd.
It was a sad sight to see and i guess it has been something that has been on the tip of bolling over, but it is sad that many people took part in these riots 'Just for the fun of it' - if you ask 99% of the people why the whole thing started, they would'nt have a clue, many youths just saw this as a way of getting something for free & the chance to smash things up and getting away with it!!!
It was a sad time for the whole of England & i hope we never see anything like it again.