Every now and then i always seem to get 'dry-patch' - a time span of say anything from 1-3 weeks where i dont get any sign ups or anything like that, it is at this time where i always find working online the hardest because, when i get a new sign up or someone contacting me about something, i have something to work on, I sometimes find just surfing gets abit boaring!
The Only 'good-thing' about a 'dry-patch' for me is i mostly get my 'best-ideas' from this time, because during that time, the only i have to do is surf & update blogs, i have more time to get new ideas & set them up.
One of the ideas i got during this time was WorldWideSurfers a surfing team, because i already had a surfing team at Landmark Traffic & was surfing at other TE's that have surf teams, i thought why not bring my team from Landmark Traffic to the rest of the Team Traffic Exchanges i am a member of.
So thats what i did, I now have my team WorldWideSurfers on four Traffic Exchanges & it seems to be going well. The best thing about haveing a team for me, is the other members, this also gives you a chance to meet new people, which in turn could give you new sign-ups , ideas, ect.
If you like to surf, why not join a team or even make your own team, not only will you never run out of credits with team surfing but you will also have the chances to win team prizes & most of the team traffic exchnages will pay you $1.00 for making a team.
Give it a go or join me & the rest of the team at WorldWideSurfers